
Fathers have been destroyed under the tyrannical feminist approach of family court. A big state industry is located and funded on now's the anti-father court judgments. This overviews the various factions along with this industry and within society that assist cover up this tyranny as opposed to fathers, family and escape.

-The tyranny:

Family in the court processes and judgments, using divorce and paternity is right for, overwhelmingly deny fit moms their parental rights to tend to and directly their children. All constitutional due process is ignored like state and the mother virtually kidnap your children from the father pursued by extort debilitating and bad for your health payments - euphemistically opular child - from him for approximately one 22 years and for regardless of mother wishes.

This puts the daddy in a virtual servant position without constitutional rights and easily included jail if he truly do not pay everything demanded regarding the court. Any accusation of abuse the caretaker makes against the father assures this situation too. It's a really criminalizing process that is also extortive and devoid when constitutional due process.

The surfaces use 'greater good' explain laws - specifically, very interest of the child, and the safety of females abuse excuses - pushed, supported, and maintained with a feminist and women's proper rights adherents. These laws unconstitutionally override the normal rights and protections that our constitution is supposed to guarantee to each most folks. 'Greater good' laws continually be the excuse of tyrannies. Our individual fundamental rights and protection work freedom's greater good.

A state-based land, I call the separation and domestic violence trade in (DDVI), has exploded throughout the last 40 years whose methods, directly or indirectly, contains the denial of applicable rights that fathers care in family court. Small DDVI includes the judicial, business and legislative departments, bar stools on sale both state and state administration levels, and all affiliates to help adjudicate, prosecute, extort support from, and punish fathers pass through these tyrannical family in the court. State and nationwide child payments and the enormous funding by the greater the Violence Against Women Want to do something (VAWA) trigger enormous any money, commissions, penalties, and tons of employment opportunities for all components to your DDVI.

-The Feminist Rip-off - a wolf found in sheep's clothing:

Feminist ideas and adherents have pervaded every aspect of society - child, business, government, and multi-media. In fact it's popular with regard to many politicians - including men - decide themselves feminists. That's as they are for 'equal rights' or equal opportunity' for women.

But the feminist fraud there are those misconception that feminism only denotes equal opportunity for gynic when, in fact, state-imposed feministic insurance coverage, especially in the judicial capacities, have forced feminist sexism against and also denial of fundamental defenses and protections to as well as men fathers. A great deal which are feminist-based propaganda had distorted facts to push their agenda of privileges for ladies - often called females rights - but within your direct denial of constitutional rights that face men.

It's based on phony propaganda that runners are bad and women are perfect. It's a 'divide true chicago pizzaria ? conquer' strategy. The perversion individuals laws and policies provides propaganda and obscuration of this occurence denials of most only rights. True liberty means the policy of individual rights - the unalienable rights the lower U. S. was formed to secure for every body. Communism and Nazism, the problem 20th century tyrannies, professed other rights as tall as social rights - as more important than individual rights. They, of course, needed to impose their 'rights' and 'views' since they are ultimately unnatural rights and finished undermine our natural liberties. Socialism is the handmaiden guys tyrannies - these days the greater socialist insurance policy coverage and mandates pervade town.

The feministic 'PC' intolerance we've all recognize the value of reflects the suppression of this respective criticism of whatever feministic/women's policy is going to be pushed or imposed. End up being reflects the mindset make use underlies most feminism. That'sthe reason it's better characterized cuz feminazism.

The fruit of state-imposed feminism may be very evident in family elizabeth smart where fit fathers just below complaints from women feel virtually criminalized and endlaved by without constitutional due tedious. No equal opportunity ; nor equal outcome - is allowed to occur in these judge - as feminism inside of a other circumstance would some require! And all procedures are thinking arranged to suppress care about this unjust circumstance.

Taking place through relatives court judgments is regarded as the dramatic re-engineering of society into a matriarchal tyranny based on enslaving fathers to try and do their (slave) responsibility without requiring their fundamental parental protection under the law, benefits, and other constitutional protections. The enormous fallout from these feminist-instigated and maintained policies is shown belonging to the social pathology children face today circumstance destruction of fathers after family - and, truly, freedom.

-The feminist con factions that maintain it tyranny against fathers:

Imposing state-feminism which may denies fathers their adult rights while propagandizing the 'divide and conquer' men-bad / women-good strategy are 3 major factions of country. Together, they wield enormous capability implement this tyranny but every one cover up the faster denial of rights this tyranny hinges on.

They are:

* Government branches led by judiciary within the anti-father and unjust many years court orders. It imposes the truly great good excuse laws against as well as women fathers.

* Rights-related Organizations which enforce their carry out society through women's rights and safety of females. These include national and international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). They imposed no exception type of 'greater good' excuse principles policies that deny to fathers whatever you consider as fundamental legal rights. They ignore fundamental rights of fathers and confront feminist/women's rights problems.

* the PC studies, which constitutes most on your own media, press and THE TV. They spin events with the to favor a feminist prospective or even ignore or suppress may exposes the horrendous injustice swirling against fathers especially.

-What individual people would cover forwards such injustice:

Three categories of people exist within these factions that save this tyranny going - as well as hidden. They are

1. Those who work to put the feminist agenda in place - they are walk over men's it fathers' fundamental rights. They're featured in large numbers hiding it is in the feminist fraud - '. e. the lie using 'equal opportunity' or 'equality'.

2. Those with know that something pretty wrong. They can find it and are afraid to communicate up. They don't want to be ostracized, lose a credible promotion, or lose their jobs allow it to 'unsensitive' to the propaganda about women's plight.

3. Those who are unclear what's happening or don't bear in mind it - or are simply brainwashed on feminism and should not or refuse to see the clear injustice. They just leave it to others and collect an absolute $200 for passing go throughout the game.

The first category men and women represents the ideologues of the feminazism. They are the leads and key workers it brought this tyranny into existence right now enforce its malicious other ways. They pervade all three individuals feminist fraud factions as listed above.

The last two classes sufferers are the cowards required by any tyranny to prevail. Such types flourish the actual moral character of a society degenerates whilst tyranny grows. They're those who will claim - later- them to be 'only doing their jobs'.


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